Baptism & Holy Eucharist

Holy Baptism and the Eucharist (or Holy Communion) are the two sacraments given by Christ to his Church. Sometimes called ‘the Gospel Sacraments,’ they are viewed as the primary sacraments of the Church because our Lord instituted them.


Baptism is the sole requirement for membership at All Saints.’ In this sacrament, the inward and spiritual grace through the power of God’s Spirit, we become members of Christ’s Body, the Church, and God’s family. We are received as children of God and inheritors of God’s Kingdom. We believe the bond God establishes with us in Baptism is permanent, and therefore you can only be baptized once. The Episcopal Church accepts those who are baptized from any Christian community provided they have been baptized with water in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which is the outward sign of baptism.

All baptized Christians of various Christian denomination are welcome to receive Holy Communion.

Children are baptized into the Christian faith. Parents and godparents commit at a child’s baptism to nurture the child “in the Christian faith and life.” Adults may also be baptized, making a public commitment to follow Christ and actively participate in His Church.

Holy Eucharist (Communion)

Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist for the continual remembrance of his life, death, and resurrection, until his coming again. The word, Eucharist, comes from a Greek word meaning Thanksgiving. Referred to as The Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, Divine Liturgy, and the Mass, among others, the Holy Eucharist is the principle act of Christian worship and should be celebrated on the Lord’s Day (Sunday) and on other major feasts.

When Jesus instituted the Eucharist at his “Last Supper” on the night he was betrayed, he did four actions which are essential to celebrating the Eucharist. Jesus “took bread,” “gave thanks,” “broke it,” and “gave it to his disciples.” The outward and visible sign in the Eucharist is bread and wine, with the inward and spiritual grace received as the Body and Blood of Christ.

At All Saints’, all baptized persons, irrespective of Christian denomination, are invited to partake in communion.